Fortunately the movie completely lives up to its gorgeous trailer. Everything about the movie is captivating from its huge variety of lush locations, to the heartfelt performances of its two leads. Even the score is really unique and beautiful.
The little girl in the movie is being hyped in all the movie reviews, and for good reason. If your gnarled, blackened heart isn't warmed by this girl than there really is no hope for you.
The guy playing off of her is also excellent. Lee Pace also happens to be the lead in my favorite new television show of last year, Pushing Daisies.
The visuals are breathtaking. It's like sending your eyeballs to an expensive spa. And the remarkable thing is that it's all accomplished without the latest in cutting edge computer effects (eat it, George Lucas!).
The A.V. Club recently ran a terrific interview with The Fall's director, Tarsem (previously Tarsem Singh). It details the unusual way this film was shot, and is a must-read either before or after you see the film.
Go see the film. You won't see anything else like it for a long time.
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