
Monday, October 09, 2006

This. Is. Sparta!!!

Um. Yeah!

Click here for better quality.


Zhubin said...

I don't wish to sound biased against a film adaptation of a graphic novel that inaccurately portrays the Greek defeat of the Persian army, but this looks like the dumbest movie ever.

Sharkbear said...

Oh, sounds like someone's still bitter about getting his ass kicked by 300 Spartans.
Clearly you didn't watch the right preview, or you would have seen such awesomeness as some kid facing down a wolf, or some lady with swirly stuff around her head, or some black guy getting kicked down a bottomless pit. Surely if you had watched a preview that contained these things you would have written a much more glowing comment.
No one gives a shit if a comic book movie (or a comic book, for that matter) is historically accurate. This is a telling of a popular legend that has stepped from reality to myth over the years. Hell, even Samurai Jack did an epsiode based on it. If you want accuracy in your comics, go here