
Thursday, February 08, 2007

ATHF Is Da Bomb!

I never got into 24, but this is pretty good:

And here's yet further analysis of the Boston (not)bomb (not)hoax.


BG said...

Off topic, but did you ever check out Death Note? The manga and the anime are free at, which is the best kind of free. They are both great, and since I know you're into one season explosions its one season and the Manga just wrapped up.

Sharkbear said...

I downloaded the first several issues of it, but I haven't read them yet. I've been too damn busy to do much of anything.
As for the episodes, I still have no luck with torrents. Oh well.

BG said...

The site has direct download...not torrents so no excuse!

Zhubin said...

To continue the conversation from the last post, you're right, it is called The Soup now, but I've getting back into it, because it's sooo hilarious. It comes on Friday nights, I think, but you can just DVR it. You...have a DVR, right?

To bring the conversation back to this post, I haven't seen Death Note.

Sharkbear said...

No, I don't have DVR! Do I look like I'm made of money?