
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Finally, A Reason To Get Married

This is the best wedding cake EVER.

Apart from the Peach and Mario figurines on top, it is completely edible. The rest of the pictures are here.


Anonymous said...

You need to read this.

I get the feeling Joan's found her cake. (Mine's going to be layers of all the little hills you have to fall past in the first board of SMB2.)

Sharkbear said...

Wow. Some kind of line was crossed there.

Anonymous said...

Hey, we freely admit that in the last lines.

BG said...

Scott did you pre-order your Wii? Zach is going to be in Orlando during the PS3 launch and we are debating doing the "camp out" thing, and then the "sell it on ebay" thing. In some capacity I think its wrong, but on the other hand if some person really wants to spend upwards of $300+ over retail who am I to complain?

Seems to me Sony/Nintendo/Microsoft would make more money if they'd just meet launch demand. They follow that "create demand" scheme, but Ebay sellers benefit from it not gamers.


Anonymous said...

Part of this makes me very sad as my boyfriend and I broke up and this would've been totally cute had marriage ever crossed either of our minds.

Part of me doesn't care and thinks this is incredibly awesome and makes me want to shove the whole thing in my mouth.

Sharkbear said...

Brian: I spent about an hour in line at Toys R Us on the day they took pre-orders, then left when I realized the store wasn't opening as early as I thought. I had a good enough place in line that I probably would have received one, but I wasn't prepared to sit on the concrete for two more hours.
I'm probably going to the midnight sale at WalMart, and if that doesn't pan out I'll go to Target or Best Buy in the morning.
There are going to be so many Wiis available before the end of the year that I'm not really too worried, even if every magazine and newspaper is declaring it the hottest gizmo of the season, or whatever.
As to the "sell it on ebay" thing, I have to say that is a huge pet peeve of mine. For the brief time I was in line at Toys R Us I overheard someone at the head of the line discussing their eBay strategy over the phone. A whole family had come as a group and camped out, presumably trying to buy up as many PS3s and Wiis as they could. I later found out that Toys R Us had a strict one-system-per-household pre-order rule, but still. I agree that the companies would make more money if they met launch demand. Nintendo apparently agrees, too, since that is precisely what they are doing. But I think it's wrong to take advantage of that consumer demand.
I think of it like this: Kid goes into store with his hard-earned money to buy Wii. Employee tells kid that last Wii was just purchased by someone who plans to turn around and sell Wii online to some rich asshole who doesn't give a shit.
I have no problem with milking someone of their money if they want to pay (i.e. selling leveled-up characters for MMORPG), except when it effects the opportunity for someone else to have that product.
So, do what you will. But I will lose all respect for you.

Sharkbear said...

Adrienne: I was sorry to hear about you and your boyfriend. All that aside, I hope you are doing well.
We should just get a group of our single friends together and chow down on some Mario cake. That would be the best pity party ever.

Zhubin said...

Election Day and you're sitting here talking about a cake.

Also, I think, all things considered, it would be best for that kid if his Wii was taken by a guy trying to sell it online, because that kid, if he's an average American child, desperately needs to go play outside.

Anonymous said...


When I come home for Thanksgiving we should totally get a cake pity party assembled. That would probably be a highlight of my visit home.

Let's make it happen!

BG said...

Well, its not that I'm actually going to sell it...this is Zach's plan, and he's buying it I would just be there. I'm not really into flipping the consoles, but I can't get too angry about it either because its basically Sony's and Microsoft's fault that this sort of crap happens. Obviously the gamer does not benefit from ebay sales, and frankly neither does Sony. We all know how greedy Sony is so this is just baffeling. I'm sure there are other things I do that can lose your respect, maybe my disertation on grass-roots movements in Florida to save the coastal reefs? I mean, who needs the environment?

Anonymous said...

i wanna go to a cake pity party! whee!

wow. that was just....depressing.