
Thursday, January 11, 2007


The functionality of this thing is mouth watering. Check it out at the official site.
Too bad I won't be able to afford one for about ten years.


BG said...

You know what is funny is that Cisco owns the rights to the iPhone name. They are currently SUING Apple over using it at the CES keynote. Someone at Cisco was smart a few years ago and said, copyright the iPhone before Apple can make it.


Sharkbear said...

Like Apple cares. They're going to make so much bank on the product that whatever paltry sum Cisco wins isn't going to phase them.
Cisco was smart though.

BG said...

Well I think "paltry" is probably not what Cisco is going for, they know its a goldmine that is why they haven't come to an agreement yet. Also, I'll cut off my foot before I go over to cingular. Apple needs to sign up with some real cell providers.

Zhubin said...

What the hell are you TALKING about, Brian?! Cingular has the fewest dropped calls! Jesus, watch a commercial sometime!!!!!

Zhubin said...

In all seriousness, though, I'm thinking of switching to Cingular. Does it suck?

Sharkbear said...

I already use Cingular, so it's no big deal for me.
I don't really have any complaints as a Cingular user, but I'm still on my parents plan. It's very basic, without many bells and whistles.

Anonymous said...

Do you really want to buy the first rev of anything Apple makes? (You do not.) (Which is not to say I don't want want WANT one; just that there's an upside to being forced to wait.)

BG said...

Zhubin, it isn't that Cingular is bad per-say, but my mom has been burned by them with their recent merger with AT&T. If you can get a good deal with Cingular, then more power to you. I've just had greater success with Sprint, and more recently Verizon, in getting decent prices and functions.
