
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Contents Don't Squirt In Your Face

Several months ago I found myself hypnotized by this program on television. I probably would have watched it until the sun came up, but I was at Kyle's place and he made me turn it off. Anyway, this is one of the show's highlights:

If you happen to catch this program at some point in the future I recommend you stop whatever you are doing and watch it.

Every Chinese Person's Mouth
Zhubin reminded me of another incredible scene from this show.

The fuzzy logic at work here is astounding. I also like how the person being interviewed is clearly placating the interviewer.

1 comment:

Zhubin said...

That part is funny, but I find it infuriating later on in the show when they bring up all those debunked examples of creationism (i.e., the eye, that car analogy).

Then, when they try to convert people on-camera, it becomes funny again.